Waiting list information
We have two types of waiting times: the registration waiting time and the treatment waiting time. The registration waiting time is the number of weeks between registration and the intake. The treatment waiting time is the number of weeks between the intake and the start of treatment. These waiting times are determined based on the past two months. Additionally, we look ahead at the availability in our therapists' schedules. As a result, waiting times may vary and are always an estimate.
During the intake interview, it may become clear that Forte GGZ cannot provide the appropriate care needed at that time. In that case, we will refer you back to your general practitioner. Therefore, please complete the registration form as thoroughly as possible so our registration team has the necessary information to assess your registration.
Waiting list information
Last edited on: February 18 2025
Aanmeldwachttijd: 40 weeks
Behandelwachttijd: 11 weeks
Aanmeldwachttijd: 15 weeks
Behandelwachttijd: 10 weeks
Aanmeldwachttijd: 45 weeks
Behandelwachttijd: 7 weeks
Aanmeldwachttijd: 44 weeks
Behandelwachttijd: 10 weeks