Complete saved form

This application form uses a step-by-step method. A carefully filled out registration form helps to map out your information so that the therapist can prepare for the first meeting. The form can be saved in between sessions so that you can continue at a later moment.

For questions or with help with the registration you can always contact Forte MHC (050 205 33 44, mo-fr 8:30-17:00 or

  1. Have you previously received care at Forte MHC?*
  2. Has the nature of your request for help changed since then?*
  3. Was this more than a year ago? *
  4. Have you consulted your Doctor / General Practitioner (GP) about your referral?*
  5. If you already have the referral letter, please send it (with sufficient postage) to:
    Forte GGZ
    Paterswoldseweg 802
    9728 BM Groningen
    Or send a copy of the referral letter to Or you can attach a digital copy during step 4 in the application process.
    Is there a crisis situation that requires 24-hour reachability?*
  6. If your GP and you reach the conclusion that a referral to Forte MHC is fitting we can process your application. For this reason a referral from your GP is necessary. You can fill out the application form (below) in advance; we will then await the referral from the GP.

    If after this you have the referral letter, please send it with sufficient postage to
    Forte GGZ
    Paterswoldseweg 802
    9728 BM Groningen

    Is there a crisis situation that requires 24-hour reachability?*
  7. Forte MHC does not offer 24-hour reachability services.

    Forte MHC does not offer help in the case of an (impending) crisis situation. We advise you to contact the doctor / general practioner (or GP service) for a referral for fitting help.

  8. Your information is known to us. You can call Forte MHC for an appointment. If your insurance details or your personal information has changed, please let us know.

    You can contact Forte MHC by phone on weekdays between 9 AM and 5 PM. Outside office hours you can send an email to

    • Personalia
    • Details of close relatives (e.g. partner, friend, parent(s), brother, sister, etc.)

    • Add another person
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Als je bij hen verzekerd bent of wilt worden, kun je nog steeds bij Forte GGZ terecht, maar je ontvangt de factuur direct en deze moet je zelf betalen. Forte GGZ hanteert de NZA-tarieven (deze staan op de website van Forte GGZ).
Je kunt de factuur indienen bij Menzis voor vergoeding. De mate van vergoeding hangt af van je polis:

• een restitutiepolis vergoedt 100%
• de naturapolissen van Menzis vergoeden ongeveer 63%, wat betekent dat je zelf 37% moet betalen.

Neem voor de exacte vergoedingsdetails en polisvoorwaarden contact op met Menzis.

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